ETU Powerman Long Distance Duathlon Championships move to Denmark

By Paul Groves | 19 Aug, 2015

ETU European Championship 2016 in the heart of Copenhagen
Press release, issued 19th August 2015,

It is a big honor to announce the European Championship next year will be held in the heart of wonderful Copenhagen!

Powerman Denmark is proud to announce the European Championship Run I Bike I Run 10 run // 60 bike // 10 run will be in the city center of Copenhagen. Participants will experience a dynamic city atmosphere at the venue, stunning green parks at the charming old part of Copenhagen for the running, and a thrilled nature reserve for the bike course and an outstanding celebration of all winners at the finish line.

Former OL winner, ambassador and active sportsperson Eskild Ebbesen says: ”It’s very exciting that Copenhagen will host the European Championship in duathlon – Run I Bike I Run. It is good in terms of the awareness of the sport and for the city as a host for such a championship. The event is for the majority and also for the elite which is a due to be a celebration in a wider scale, for the participants but also for the spectators,” says the OL winner. 

Powerman Denmark have previously held the National Championship but with this event, the participants and spectators can expect a larger international set-up and event with guest from all over Europe. The event itself will host activities before, during and after the race for families and friends – so there is something for everyone no matter age and sportive engagement.

Big applause from the ETU President, Renato Bertrandi: “Copenhagen, wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen. A city we have all heard of but for many it remains on the “Bucket List” of places to visit. I am very pleased to announce that, based upon the solid and successful co-operation programme already established between ETU and Powerman, we will see the very popular Run/Bike/Run format over the 10k / 60k / 10k distance move to Denmark’s capital.

The race has already been used for the Danish National Championships and was very popular. It is therefore a logical step for ETU to work with the Organizers to bring to the city and to the race additional athletes who will go the distance for European Titles. The award of “European Championships” to any race will benefit the host city and of course our athletes and sponsors and I look forwards to seeing Copenhagen filled with our athletes in the days before the race, which is set for 7th and 8th May 2016.”

Powerman Nordic coordinator, Nynne Mortensen says: “We are proud of this announcement from the international federations and we are looking forward to give the participants, partners and spectators their day of their life’s – no matter what!”.

Stefan Ruf, Vice President of International Powerman Association (I.P.A), recognizes her and says: “I.P.A. is very pleased to have the ETU Powerman Duathlon Championship for the first time in a Nordic country. This will be a major step for the long term development of Duathlon in the Scandinavian countries,” says, Stefan Ruf.

At the European Championship Long participants can expect laps on course, two laps for the run with a turnaround at the venue – give a high five to your friends on your second lap – where speakers and spectators will cheer you up and 4 laps on the bike course. You are part of the party either you are spectator or participant! The course will take your on a tour around the country side but also in the center of the city. When you arrive at the venue, you will meet the smell of warm Danish bakery and fresh brewed coffee and plenty of activities for the family – so bring them along, they will have a splendid time at the playing castle.

The European Championship will kick off the May 7 2015’ in Copenhagen and EC race will start May 8 at 08.00.

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