Annual Europe Triathlon Meeting

By Amé Venter | 26 Nov, 2020

On Sunday the 29th of November 2020 the Annual Europe Triathlon meeting will take place at 10amCET. The event was initially scheduled to take place in Paris but will now be held virtually. During this meeting Europe Triathlon will reflect on 2020, also look ahead at 2021. This meeting will take place prior to the XXXIII World Triathlon Congress. During this meeting the Junior Ranking Awards and the Next Generation Challenge will be presented as there has not been an opportunity to do this face to face. Europe Triathlon feels that taking advantage of the meeting to do it here will give the athletes the podium they deserve after a year with little racing.


The agenda for this meeting can be found below:

Introduction, meeting rules - Chris Kitchen, Vice-President

Welcome address - Renato Bertrandi, President

Budget/Accounts - Alicia García Pérez, Treasurer

Development Projects - Mariya Cherkovskaya-Tarasevich, Executive Board Member

Innovation Award/Para - Martin Breedjik, Executive Board Member

Daily Business Europe Triathlon - Galina Shipovalova, Executive Board Member

Races 2020 - Renato Bertrandi, President with Herwig Grabner, Executive Board Member

Races 2021 - Herwig Grabner, Executive Board Member

Branding and Media - Chris Kitchen, Vice-President and Amé Venter

Technical Operations - Eugène Kraus, Executive Board Member

Commercial Partner Relationships - Denis Jaeger, Vice-President

Junior Ranking Virtual Award - Renato Bertrandi, President with Chris Kitchen, Vice-President

NGC Ranking Virtual Award - Renato Bertrandi, President with Chris Kitchen, Vice-President


It’s only a few days to go before the World Triathlon elections. As we have seen in the NF meeting a few weeks ago Europe is well represented in the list of candidates with 57nominees from 17 federations. There are 73 position being contested. These positions include World Triathlon President, Vice-Presidents and Executive Board members, plus places on nine committees and the World Triathlon Tribunal.

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