Turin to host a Triathlon race at the World Master Games

By David Peddie | 10 Apr, 2013

The World Masters Games are the biggest and most important sporting event in the world dedicated to the athletes over 30, and one of the major sporting events of the year.

In August, Turin will host men and women from all over the world who will compete in 30 sports, in which Triathlon and Duathlon are part of the schedule.

This is the first time since 2006 that Triathlon will be part of the Games schedule and ETU President Renato Bertrandi  is delighted that such an important and significant Triathlon race will take place in his home town of Turin.

He said: As an Italian and President of ETU, I am particularly happy that we have been able to include Triathlon and Duathlon among the other sports in the World Master Games.

“The games will take place in Torino, my home town, so I am even more happy to be able to welcome all the athletes that will take part in our two events .

“Both races will be held in the centre of the city in our Valentino Park that is crossed by the Po river. The swim section will take place in the river and will be an exciting experience for everybody.”

The first World Master Games took place in Toronto, Canada in 1985. In 1994, Triathlon was a core sport in the World Master Games and ITU & ETU Vice President, Dr Sarah Springman, won Gold in the 30-34 Age Catgeory.

1994 was a watershed moment for the World Master Games as 24,500 people competed. Springman, who was elected as a founding Governor for the International Master Games Association, a post she held from 1990 to 2002, says the Games are a fantastic experience for senior athletes.

She said: “It is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy being part of a major multisport Games and to march in the Opening and Closing ceremonies, to meet fellow multisport athletes at a variety of social events and to watch the many other sports.

“It is a tremendous organisational challenge too between the host city, the Local Organising Committee, the National and International Federations, all of which are guided by the IMGA to produce, probably, the biggest multisport event of all.” 

Triathlon continued to be part of the World Master Games from 1998 to 2006, and the 2013 event, a sprint distance of 750m swim/ bike 20km/ run 5km, will be held on 11th August 2013.

This will be the first time Duathlon will be contested at the World Master Games and this historic event, again a sprint distance race of  run 5km/ bike 20km/ run 2.5km, is on 3rd August 2013.

Both races will take place in the Parco del Valentino in Turin.

The registration deadline is June 2nd and Mr Bertrandi has encouraged all triathletes to consider competing in this incredible event. Over 50,000 people are expected to register for this event which epitomises the ethos that sport is for everybody.

For more information on the 2013 World Master Games visit

The registration procedure can be downloaded by following this link