LATEST NEWS: The Europe Triathlon family in support of the Ukrainian Federation

By | 14 Mar, 2022

This past weekend La Nucia hosted the Europe Triathlon Presidents’ Conference. The full report, information and pictures will be on our website later this week.

At the meeting were present the Delegates of the Ukrainian Triathlon Federation that addressed the audience with a touching speech. The traditional Gala had been changed into an “Evening for Peace” and the 2021 awards were delivered.

The first (Spain) and second (Hungary) national federations of the year in the form of tangible support to our Ukrainian friends have decided to donate to the Ukrainian NF the checks they have won.

Below is what the Spanish federation have said:

“España, mejor selección junior europea del año, dona íntegramente su premio al triatlón ucraniano.

El galardón otorgado a la mejor selección junior europea de la temporada lleva asociado un premio en metálico de 5.000 euros, y que la Federación Española de Triatlón, en palabras de su presidente José Hidalgo, ha decidido donar de forma íntegra al triatlón ucraniano en estos momentos tan difíciles que están viviendo, “Como no podía ser de otra manera, queremos mostrar nuestra solidaridad y compromiso con el triatlón ucraniano y con sus deportistas. Por ello, además de mostrar nuestro firme apoyo a nuestros colegas ucranianos en nuestras intervenciones y declaraciones públicas, hemos querido ir más allá y no quedarnos sólo en las palabras y acompañarlo de hechos tangibles. Y por ello donamos de forma íntegra el premio económico otorgado a la FETRI por sus resultados en 2021 a los triatletas ucranianos, para que puedan continuar con su desarrollo y entrenamientos en estos momentos tan difíciles que están y estamos viviendo”.

FETri strongly condemn the war and are close to our Ukrainian friends and want to start supporting economically by devolving the 5.000€ check won as the best NF 2022.

The Hungarian federation has done the same thing devolving the check earned as the second European NF 2021 to our Ukrainian Friends.

“Hungarian Triathletes deeply regret the war that broke out in Ukraine. As Athletes we stand for peace, for freedom which is a prerequisite not only for Triathlon,but for all Sports. In this terrible period, which we hope will end soon, we deeply sympathize with our Ukrainian Friends, who now need all the encouragement and support, so we offer our Prize Money to the Ukrainian Triathlon Federation with the utmost respect”

We are all greathfull of these first great signs of tangible support.

During this week we will communicate to you all the bank account details where you can also make donations to the Ukrainian Federation.

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