ITU Level 1 Technical Officials Seminar takes place in Turkey

By Erin Greene | 10 Oct, 2012

A group of 24 men and 14 women continued their education at the ITU Level 1 Technical Officials seminar in Alanya, Turkey last weekend in conjunction with the ITU European Cup. The course included theoretical and practical sessions designed to improve officials’ knowledge of ITU rules. The two-day course also included group discussions to debate various potential scenarios.

While the first day enhanced education, the second day tested that knowledge in a real situation, as the attendees officiated the ITU European Cup junior and elite races on Sunday.

Spain’s Jorge Garcia was responsible for facilitating the two-day course. Garcia, who has organized and officiated numerous international events, expressed his enthusiasm for the dedication he witnessed from participants.

“As the facilitator, I was so excited about how the course was going that I was continuously implementing practical sessions,” Garcia said. “The participants were completely integrated in the sessions and were committed to discovering new ways of understanding their roles as technical officials. Sharing my knowledge with the TO’s and helping them improve their level of officiating, as well as the development of triathlon in Turkey was an unforgettable experience.”