ETU all about development in 2013

By David Peddie | 07 Jan, 2013

Renato Bertrandi’s New Year message to European National Federations promises development in 2013.

The President of the European Triathlon Union issued the rallying cry to European athletes, coaches and Federations as triathlon continues to grow across Europe after a thrilling 2012.

“Another challenging season is about to start and it is the first of a new cycle leading us to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016,” said Bertrandi.

“Our goal is to help as many National Federations as possible quality athletes for the next Olympic Games.”

Bertrandi highlighted the new ETU scholarship program as evidence of their commitment to development and a sign of their efforts to close the gap between the standard of all National Federations.

All Federations have been invited to the Presidents Conference in Warsaw in February.

During the conference an Extraordinary congress will take place and an important discussion point on the agenda is the new Constitution. All Federations received a draft last year and will now vote on the proposals.

Bertrandi said: “It is an important milestone for our activities and so I strongly recommend that National Federations make their comments by the due date.”

The 2013 ETU President’s Conference will take place in Warsaw, Poland on the weekend of 16th/17th February.

The first race of 2013 is the ETU Winter Triathlon European Championships on 26th/27th January.