Liechtenstein Triathlon Federation
About the Federation
NF Group
Philip E. C. Schädler
+423 777 79 89
Vaduz, Liechtenstein {zipcode}
Vaduz, Liechtenstein {zipcode}
Liechtenstein Triathlon Federation was established in 1985 and is founding member of World Triathlon (former International Triathlon Union) since 1989. In 1986 Liechtenstein Triathlon joinded the Europe Triathlon Union. Since 1993 Liechtenstein Triathlon Federation is a member of the National Olympic Committee. In 2020 Liechtenstein Triathlon celebrated its 35th anniversary.
Latest News
Patrick Gangl wins duathlon national title 2017
30.4.2017, Marbach - The Liechtenstein national duathlon championship was again staged in Marbach, a little town near St.Gallen, where the Rheintalduathlon takes place, a well-established…08 May, 2017 -
Liechtenstein’s triathlon federation celebrates 30 years in our sport
If you look carefully at a good map of Europe you will of course find this Principality. Only 25k long and with just over 36,000 inhabitants, this small but key country is…15 Dec, 2015 -
Philip E.C. Schädler becomes ETU President
At the recent ETU Congress in Athlone, Ireland, a new President of the European Triathlon Union (ETU) was elected. Philip E.C. Schädler of Liechtenstein ran unopposed and became the new…29 Jul, 2010 -
Christian Frommelt Duathlon National Champion 2009
The national duathlon championship was carried through on sprint-distance 3k run - 15k bike - 1,5 run. “This is the starting point to my next goal which are the European Champs in winter…10 Nov, 2009 -
Nicole Klinger became Liechtenstein’s sportwoman of the year 2008
Nicole Klinger, aged 28 years, was elected Liechtenstein’s sportswoman of the year 2008 at the NOC’s annual sports celebration party on December 17th in…20 Dec, 2008
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Postponed • Dates TBCVaduz, Liechtenstein
Postponed • Dates TBCTriesenberg-Steg, Liechtenstein
Postponed • Dates TBCTriesenberg-Steg, Liechtenstein
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