Updated: 18 Jul, 2021 07:54 amEurope Triathlon Development
We asked Aldo Lucarini President Europe Triathlon Development Committee about development in Europe Triathlon and here is his reaction:
“Development is a word with a very extensive meaning. In sport we can say that every organization needs a development program, because no one is perfect and there are always margins of improvement. The main aim of the development strategy is to bring as many new national flags as possible to the Olympic Games ( long term programme ) and to help the federations to reach consistent and structured organisation (medium term programme)”
Europe Triathlon invests a significant amount of funds to help the growth and infrastructure of the developing National Governing Bodies in Europe.
The Development team 2021
The development team of 2021 consist of 15 male athletes from 9 different countries and 14 female athletes from 8 countries and will participate in the following events;
· Europe Triathlon Cup Caorle May 15th
· Europe Triathlon Cup Dnipro June 5-6th
· Europe Triathlon Cup Balikesir July 31-August 1
· Europe Triathlon Cup Liévin October 2-3
The Development Budget & Projects
The total budget for 2021 is approximately 195k Euros. This consists of 135k Euros received from World Triathlon, and an additional 60k Euros from Europe Triathlon.
The funding is divided into two main containers
1. Common Projects - approximately 60% of the total.
These projects are decided by Europe Triathlon in association with World Triathlon and are:
Development Camps
Technical Official Courses
Coaching Courses
The Youth Festival - an Annual coming together of junior athletes from our National Federations to compete and meet.
2. National Projects
This is the most innovative part of our strategy and are projects proposed by the National federation using some guidelines from Europe Triathlon and reflect what the National Federation see they themselves need to develop the sport in their home countries. They provide a good insight into the way the national Federations feel, what they perceive to be their needs and requirements and this can help us to help them.
The Common Projects 2021
The common development projects provided by Europe Triathlon are listed below:
· Youth Festival Alanya October
· Development camps
· ETU Development team
· level 1 coaching course
· level 2 coaches course
· level 2 TO course
· 2 level 1 TO course
· Grant to attend presidents' meeting
The general projects including coaching courses, TOs courses and Europe Triathlon Development camps have as yet been scheduled due to the uncertainty about traveling restrictions. However, as restrictions ease we will be putting these in the calendar.
National Federation Categories
The National federation categories follow the same guidelines as the World Triathlon National Federation Survey
Below is the table taken from World Triathlon to categorize the different groups. This information is based on survey responses and historical data from the National Federations.
In order to be considered a group 5 national federation all the below mentioned KPIs should be achieved. Missing one KPI will result in the national federation not being recognized in group 5 regardless of the result of the survey.
· Minimum 25 % of female EB members
· World Triathlon Accredited Coaches Education Programme (ACEP)
· World Triathlon Accredited NF Technical Officials Education Programme (ATOEP)
· At least one continental or world-class event’s development
· Having qualified for the latest Paralympic Games
World Triathlon Mentoring program
Europe Triathlon is participating in the World Triathlon mentoring program. The Europe Triathlon coordinating mentors and mentees that participate in the program: 17 Mentors and 18 mentees from Europe who have already been selected in 2020. In 2021 there will be 11 more mentors and 38 mentees that will be selected to increase the planning and development of many other programs.
Europe Triathlon Development committee in the future
Here you can find a document prepared by the Development committee with the analyses of the work done in the past years and ideas for the future. Linking on to this we asked Aldo about the importance of leaving a legacy and here is his reaction, “I have been working in the development committee since 2009. I may say that it is by far one of the most exciting experiences I have had in triathlon.The legacy we leave to the next committee and to the national federation is a strategy and a method. During 2020 we have elaborated a strategic plan for the next 4 years.”
Development expenses claim form here

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Postponed • Dates TBCMelilla, Spain
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