Strategic Plan
Updated: 08 Feb, 2024 01:44 pmThe Europe Triathlon Strategic Plan
Vision 2029
The Board of Europe Triathlon has developed this plan following extensive consultation with key stakeholders.
We have a fantastic Sport and Europe has some of the best National Federations in the World. Working together with them and World Triathlon, we believe we can build and grow the sport of triathlon in Europe.
The Strategic Plan identifies four key, interrelated, themes that are seen as the core to developing the sport. In order to achieve our mission and take steps to realise our vision for the sport, these themes will be the focus
areas for the implementation of this plan.
- Development
- Events and Participation
- Profile and Promotion
- Organisational Strenght and Capability
It is a long term visionary plan which will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Two year Operational Plans will be developed to clearly expand and amplify on the key actions that will be taken at each stage of the plan’s implementation.
We believe it is an ambitious but achievable plan that will provide a solid foundation for the sport to further develop from 2028 onwards.
We want the plan and its implementation to be consultative, consensus driven and want to work closely with all stakeholders to grow and develop the sport in Europe.
The Board
Europe Triathlon
July 2022