Ukraine Crisis and Europe Triathlon Statement

By | 03 Mar, 2022

Europe Triathlon fully supports IOC and World Triathlon’s position on Russia and Belarus

We offer our complete solidarity and support for the Ukrainian Triathlon community and the people of Ukraine in these unprecedented and distressing times.

Europe Triathlon strongly supports the position of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and World Triathlon to exclude Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials participation in organised European events, and to not organise international events in Russia or Belarus. Events include our annual Presidents conference and Annual General Assembly.

This position will be regularly reviewed in light of any developments in this crisis.

World Triathlon had previously suspended the Russian Triathlon Federation, due to the high number of doping cases, in December 2021 for one year, and so no events are permitted to take place in the country in 2022.

We join the international sporting community in condemnation of the attack against Ukraine, which saw the breach of the Olympic Truce by the Russian Government and the Government of Belarus.

World Triathlon has set up an email account ( both for offers of help but also for requests for help from the Ukrainian Triathlon community.

Europe Triathlon has been in close contact with the Ukrainian Triathlon Federation and is already offering help and assistance. A delegation from Ukraine will be attending the Presidents Conference in La Nucia as a guest of Europe Triathlon.

Europe Triathlon is planning to set up a specific bank account to administer donations.

The Triathlon Community in Europe has come together in solidarity of the wholly unjustified invasion of Ukraine.

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