Age-Group athlete focus moves to Germany

By Paul Groves | 09 Jan, 2015

Our focus turns this time to Germany for the viewpoint of an Age Group athlete. In fact we are fortunate to have the viewpoint from a triathlon couple who are well-known on the circuit and who race all year round.

German couple Peter and Marianne Grünebach have been married for 34 years and competing together in Triathlons since 1988. Any distance. Any combination. They really have the “multisport bug”. Both began their long-distance career at the iconic Dutch race in Almere and Peter who made it to Kona in 1990.

Between them that have hundreds of medals and trophies. Most recently Peter took to the podium in ITU and ETU championship events. Which ones did he race at? “I raced in 2013 and 2014 at the ITU and ETU WC/EC - Winter Triathlon, Long Distance Triathlon, Aquathlon, Cross Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon. Marianne won Silver in the World Championships for Winter Triathlon and the European Championships Aquathlon.”

Age does not appear to bother either of them. A gentleman never reveals a lady’s age but at 66, Peter is a few years older than Marianne. “As long as our bodies are doing well and we have fun, we will show up at the venues of ITU and ETU -  there we find the best organisation and the most motivated athletes“, says Peter with a smile in his face.

Perhaps it is his top-level participation that gives Peter his inspiration. When not competing he writes novels, poems, drama and crime and Marianne is currently studying modern Greek, when not swimming, biking, running or skiing.

As true Europeans, they speak several languages and have lived in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Munich, Berlin, in the Netherlands and Italy. Peter, during his career worked as well in Sarajevo, Skopje and Kabul. Having met this amazing couple I can honestly say that when you see them at an event you know it will be a good experience as they bring with them such incredible enthusiasm.

Check out their results here for Peter—
Here for Marianne—

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