A dream becomes a reality - Gabriella Lorenzi’s initiative brings International Triathlon to Cuba

By Paul Groves | 01 Nov, 2014

OK – so the weather in Northern Europe has been great over the past few days but we all know that very soon, with the evenings arriving sooner than ever and the mornings starting later than ever – that winter will be upon us. Great news for the winter triathletes who will be out on the tracks; Great news for the turbo-trainer aficionados who welcome the dark winter months as an excuse to spin out the miles inside; Great news for those who can focus on a dedicated training plan to build for the 2015 season but deep at heart what we really want is sunshine and a big smile.

For anyone who has ever listened to the wonderful rhythms that come from Cuba, you know that the beat is infectious. Your feet will surely begin to tap as you listen and for those who saw the “Buena Vista Social Club”, you know exactly what I mean.

So where does triathlon fit into this dreaming?

A few years ago Gabriella Lorenzi, National Squad Manager for the Italian Triathlon Federation spoke of her dream to bring a top-class event to Cuba. With her personal but historic links to the island she had seen the desire of many athletes there to share our sport but could also see that it would be a big step for any organiser to achieve. With the solid support and input from the ITU Sport Department and with the all-essential backing of the ITU President, Marisol Casado (see the album that accompanies this article) and with many hours of work; countless calls; meetings and networking this has all finally paid off and the island will see not only an international race that is part of the ITU Calendar but in fact a whole weekend of racing.

The LOC has drawn together some great minds and many years of experience.  Its Executive Director, José Carrasco, Race Director, Rolando Herrera, General Secretary, Yasleidis Acosta,  Athlete Services Manager, Gabriella Lorenzi and Director of General Services, Pedro Urquía are all working together to deliver to the lucky athletes who make their way to Cuba the best event possible. With Technical Delegate duties being carried out by Spain’s Enrique Quesada, supported by ETU Technical Chair, Jorge Garcia the race is in experienced hands.

The Cuban Triathlon Federation and the Local Organizing Committee will hold, over the weekend 24th and 25th January, 2015, a Sprint Race, a Middle Distance Race and a Long Distance race. The countdown for the 2015 ITU La Habana Triathlon - Iberoamerican Championships – has started.

Havana offers pleasant weather, its history, the beautiful warm sea and of course the amazing atmosphere that will ensure a “habanero weekend”. The weekend also sees celebrations for the Cuban national icon José Martí, the “Apostle of Cuban Independence.” So you will need not only bike and run shoes but also something comfortable to dance in.

• ITU Sprint Triathlon Pan American Cup: 24th January 2015 (150 places)
ITU Long Distance Triathlon Series Event: 25th January 2015 (600 places)
• ITU Half Distance Triathlon Series Event: 25th January 2015 (400 places)

The swim starts from Marina Hemingway and it is expected that the crowds supporting the event will get a unique “up-close” experience of the swim as they line the canal sides. Transition will be situated adjacent to the marina.

The bike course, regardless of distance, will have enough undulations to make it interesting and the run course will lead the athletes through the city to a finish line in the heart of the Cuban soul, Plaza de la Revolución!
There are still a few places left and the LOC has a dedicated travel agency doing all the hard work.

Entries will close on 31st December 2014, subject the availability of places! Check out the event website
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La Habana te espera. VEN A VIVIRLO,

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Related Event: 2015 Habana ITU Long Distance Triathlon Series Event and Iberoamerican Championships
25 Jan, 2015 • event pageall results
Results: Elite Men
1. Juan Manuel Asconape ARG 10:41:19
2. Hector Fonseca CRC 10:46:20
3. Raul Alcolea Gonzalez CUB 10:55:13
4. Christopher Lopez Fong MEX 10:59:17
5. Txomin Bustindui ESP 11:00:31
6. Antonio Diaz Morales PER 11:31:34
7. Andres Leonardo Jurado Montoya CHI 11:46:06
8. Eduardo Cardenas Quezada MEX 11:47:25
9. Emiliano Torres Madron URU 11:50:31
10. Antonio Aceves Jimenez MEX 11:51:53
Results: Elite Women
1. Kathleen Smith USA 12:53:12
2. Tabata Carrasco Pinal MEX 13:24:24
3. Alicia Garcia Perez ESP 14:34:57
Results: 35-39 Female AG
1. Tabata Carrasco Pinal MEX 13:24:24
Results: 45-49 Female AG
1. Alicia Garcia Perez ESP 14:34:57
Results: 55-59 Female AG
1. Kathleen Smith USA 12:53:12
Results: 25-29 Male AG
1. Edgar Cid Guerrero MEX 12:13:34
2. Omar Ochoa Arreola MEX 12:18:03
3. Elias Orozco MEX 12:24:05
4. Yandi Perez Meireles CUB 13:37:05
5. Alberto Garcia Portanel MEX 15:01:34
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