2022 - It’s Munich !

By Paul Groves | 11 Nov, 2019

ETU Announce the award of the 2022 European Championships

The City of Munich has been announced for the venue to host the 2022 European Championships following a very successful debut event in Glasgow 2018. This multi-sport Championships brings together the six sports of Athletics, Gymnastics, Golf, Cycling, Rowing and Triathlon.

The ETU Board are pleased to be able to announce that the 2022 European triathlon Championships has been awarded to the City of Munich. Renato Bertrandi, the ETU President said “after the hugely successful Championships in Glasgow where the Triathlon Championship was not only a fantastic race but also had massive spectator numbers and a huge TV audience, it is with great pleasure that we have awarded the European Triathlon Championships for 2022 to Munich”

Most of the Sports will be focussed on the Olympic Park which will allow for an exciting, testing and spectator friendly Triathlon Course. The event will coincide with the 50th year anniversary of the Munich Olympics and the European Championships will take place between the 11th to 21st Aug 2022.

Click here for the full Press Release.

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