Tri Week - Tiszaújváros

By Paul Groves | 07 Aug, 2015

2015 Tiszaújváros ETU Triathlon Junior European Cup

Whilst some will be racing in Riga, many will be racing in Tiszaújváros. The town, tucked away in Northern Hungary, has become the place to race for many and with its after-race party, certainly the place to let your hair down and relax.

With top athletes racing as Elite, it will be an ideal opportunity for the ETU Development Team to show our Development Squad just how the top athletes save time in their preparations, transitions and racing and how they, by copying these examples, can improve their swim, bike, run and transition times. A great opportunity for classroom theory to be translated into practical and visual work and then put into practice for the races.

The event is part of the week long triathlon festival, called TriWeek. The format of the Junior European Cup will run as a semi-final on Saturday and a final on Sunday.

For full details, check out the Athlete’s Guide

Click here for the full start list for the Junior Women

Click here for the full start list for the Junior Men